Recommended Reading

In my short bio, I briefly mentioned that over the years, I have read many books, attended seminars, etcetera, in my search for alternative health and medicine. I, literally, have a small collection of books, and boxes of magazines and articles, and collection of emails people have sent to me, on alternative health and medicine (admittedly, I am one of those who save their emails ... but only the good ones!)

If I were to provide a list of what I have, I would probably have to set up another site just for them. But I think it's not a good idea to induce "information overload" syndrome on my readers.

Below are a few hand-picked recommendations of some books I have read and/or used as reference, which I find very informative and helpful, which hopefully you will, too.

I might through time add to this list, if I find that some books could be useful for someone looking for health answers.

General Health

The Antioxidant Miracle: Put Lipoic Acid, Pycnogenol, and Vitamins E and C to Work for You  - Lester Packer, PHD and Carol Colman

Dr. Lester is known as the "Father of Antioxidant", having been involved with researchers on antioxidants for decades.

This was the first book I read when I was discovering antioxidants!

The Microbe Factor: Your Innate Immunity and the Coming Health Revolution - Hiromi Shinya, MD

A strong proponent on healing cancer through particular food types. Having lost his wife to Lupus years ago, Dr. Shinya is dedicated to finding cures the natural way.

The Super Anti-Oxidants: Why They Will Change the Face of Healthcare in the 21st Century - James F. Balch, M.D.

Another Super book on Antioxidants!

Food is Better Medicine Than Drugs - Patrick Holford and Jerome Burne

Another strong proponent of using food as a natural cure for diseases.

Colon Health Key to Vibrant Life - Dr. Norman W. Walker

An important part of the body that's vital to body's health and vitality! No BS! (pardon the expression)

Detoxification..., or simply, Detox

The Tao of Detox: The Secrets of Yang-Sheng Dao - Daniel Reid

In the beginning, there is Detox. Detox is a part of the healing process. Detoxification cleanses your body to allow maximum absorption of nutrients. Natural products, like Naturally Plus' products, aid detoxification.

The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration  - Dr. Robert S. Morse N.D.

Detoxification using raw foods and herds, and discuss the need to detox the body to allow healing.

The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse: An All-Natural, At-Home Flush to Purify and Rejuvenate Your Body - Andreas Moritz

This was his first book that I read on liver and gall bladder cleansing. I actually used a very similar program that my brother found for me - and have used the methods successfully - for a few times now!

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush - Andreas Moritz

This is another one of his books.

All you need to know about Detox (Perfect Series Books)- Gill Paul

(Apologies ... still trying to track this for you, online)

Raw and Simple Detox: A Delicious Body Reboot for Health, Energy, and Weight Loss - Judita Wignall


Water: The Shocking Truth That can Save Your Life  - Paul C. Bragg, N.D., Ph.D and Patricia Bragg N.D., Ph.D

They do reveal some shocking truths!

Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!  - F. Batmanghelidji, M.D.

The Water Secret - Howard Murad, M.D.

Hydrogen and Ionized Water for Health

Healing Waters: The Powerful Health Benefits of Ionized H2O - Ben Johnson

Hydrogen, Longevity's Missing Link - Patrick Flanagan, M.D.

(Apologies ... still trying to track this for you, online)

Business, Leadership,
Personal Development

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

A classic business, leadership and personal development book! A must read for anyone who wants to Grow Rich!

The Greatest Salesman In The World - Og Mandino

Another classic! A personal development classic! Must read!

The Richest Man in Babylon - George S. Clason

Another must read classic! A very thin and tiny book - can be read easily and quickly - but don't miss the "lessons"!

Inside Network Marketing: An Expert's View into the Hidden Truths and Exploited Myths of America's Most Misunderstood Industry by Leonard W. Clements (1996-09-25) - Leonard W. Clements

All Things Internet

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